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Vanadium Compounds
   Vanadium carbide
   Vanadium(V) oxide
Vanadium carbide VC
An extremely hard refractory ceramic material. It is commercially used in tool bits cutting tools. It has the appearance of gray metallic powder with cubic crystal structure. Vanadium carbide is chemically stable and has excellent high-temperature property. It can be used as an additive to tungsten carbide to fine the carbide crystals to improve the property of the cermet.
Vanadium(V) oxide V2O5
The most important compound of vanadium. Upon heating it can reversibly lose oxygen to the air. Related to this is its ability to catalyse the delivery of oxygen from the air to compounds such as sulfur dioxide, benzene and naphthalene, which is the basis for its industrial use as a catalyst in the manufacture of sulfuric acid, maleic anhydride and phthalic anhydride, respectively. It is a poisonous orange solid which, because of its high oxidation state, is both an amphoteric oxide and an oxidising agent.